Here's why I have been putting off making this dish:
1. The name means "food of the gods". That's setting the stage for great expectations. Can canned fruit really live up to it?
2. Marshmallows. They go in hot cocoa, smores and lucky charms. For some reason, marshmallows scare me a little when in the context of mystery white pudding stuff that may contain coconut. Which brings me to number three.
3. Coconut. HATE IT! Especially when it is sneaky and hidden in things like ambrosia... just waiting there to be discovered so you can be grossed out by the texture of little hairs in your food. I will be omitting coconut in my version of ambrosia. You should too or at least let people know it's in there!
4. Maraschino cherries. G-Mom tells me they are soaked in formaldehyde therefore she doesn't eat them. Not sure if this is an urban legend, but I will be brave and include a few in my recipe. I like to live on the edge.
Here's why I have decided to give it a whirl:
1. Fruit salads have wasp written all over them. No wasp food blog would be complete without it.
2. Aunt Alice has voted for ambrosia on several polls and it never wins. This one's for the underdog!
3. I'm a closeted fan of cool whip. For a while, I used to eat it right out of the tub with sprinkles on it and pretend it was ice cream.
This is what you will need if you are ready to master the ultimate wasp food:
one 8 oz container of Cool Whip or similar fake cream product, thawed
1/2 cup chopped walnuts
8 oz. can of fruit cocktail
8 oz. can of pineapple chunks
11 oz. can of mandarin oranges
a few maraschino cherries
3 cups mini marshmallows
pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg
First step: Drain all the cans of fruit.
Second step: In a large bowl, combine everything.
After the first taste test, I decided to add about 2 tablespoons of maraschino cherry juice and about 10-15 cherries. I think it was a nice touch in terms of flavor, plus it made the cool whip turn pink!
The verdict: I think this might be my new guilty pleasure. I was pleasantly surprised. It's got an interesting texture and is light and not too sweet. I'd like to make something similar with fresh fruits or play around with adding other ingredients.
Royall says: It needs coconut. (GROSS!)
Be brave and make some!