Look at how colorful these tacos are! Simple, fast and healthy too!
I was inspired to make these tacos because for the past few months, I've been opening the pantry and seeing these dried beans just sitting there, begging to be made into something delicious. I soaked them in water overnight and then decided to make tacos out of them!
Here's how to make 'em:
-the night before or day of, soak black beans in water (I used about 1 cup of dried beans). If you use canned beans, just rinse them before heating.
-simmer the beans in water with cumin, salt, pepper, "cajun seasoning" and a dash of cayenne for about 30 minutes (5 or 10 minutes for canned beans). I had some leftover rice that I threw in there too!
-prep toppings: crack open container of guacamole (or make some from scratch), slice tomatoes, lettuce, and any other veggies you want
-heat up tortillas. I used pre-made but not yet baked tortillas. All you have to do is heat them up for a few seconds and watch them bubble. It was fun and gave the tacos a homemade touch.

Make a taco however you please! I chose to spread some guacamole on a tortilla and added a layer of beans and lettuce. Topped off with tomatoes and a little shredded monterrey jack! Royall added El Pato sauce to his tacos.

I was inspired to make these tacos because for the past few months, I've been opening the pantry and seeing these dried beans just sitting there, begging to be made into something delicious. I soaked them in water overnight and then decided to make tacos out of them!
Here's how to make 'em:
-the night before or day of, soak black beans in water (I used about 1 cup of dried beans). If you use canned beans, just rinse them before heating.
-simmer the beans in water with cumin, salt, pepper, "cajun seasoning" and a dash of cayenne for about 30 minutes (5 or 10 minutes for canned beans). I had some leftover rice that I threw in there too!
-prep toppings: crack open container of guacamole (or make some from scratch), slice tomatoes, lettuce, and any other veggies you want
-heat up tortillas. I used pre-made but not yet baked tortillas. All you have to do is heat them up for a few seconds and watch them bubble. It was fun and gave the tacos a homemade touch.
Make a taco however you please! I chose to spread some guacamole on a tortilla and added a layer of beans and lettuce. Topped off with tomatoes and a little shredded monterrey jack! Royall added El Pato sauce to his tacos.
Royall says, "These were quite good, actually. Fresh cooked tortillas and well seasoned beans are what makes this dish."
I say:
I say:
This recipe is so simple and great if you want to cut back on meat consumption. You won't miss the beef, these bad boys are filling! Plus, dried beans are dirt cheap!
Yum!!! I also really enjoy Royall's new scene hair-do! :)
I was going to make a joke, "WARNING: these tacos will cause you to only have one eyeball". But you can see the other eye peekin out from under all that hair. PS: I DID THE HAIRCUT!
That boy needs a haircut!!!
I think I have seen that shirt before...
Are you sure that tacos are wasp food?
This is wasp food in the sense that wasps would actually consider this to be authentic ethnic food, and wasps like to consider themselves to be multiculturally competent depending on who is looking.
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